The Eastbourne Eagles Eaglets Club





Welcome to the Junior Eaglets Club for our younger supporters.  

Eaglets Update:
“The Eaglets Club Scheme is suspended until after the scheduled final Covid-19 easement on Monday 21st June.
We hope to be able to commence the scheme once crowds are NOT severely restricted and some form of normality can return”

Launched in 2019, The Eaglets club supports the work of the Eagles Community Team in  encouraging new and younger supporters to Arlington to watch and hopefully become long-term supporters of the Eagles.

In 2021, The Eaglets Club will be revamped to Offer FREE access to all Supporters aged Under 15 and will relaunch from early February 2021 via a simple FREE Registration process.

We will reintroduce our Match Mascot / Stadium Tour and Birthday packages just as soon as Covid 19 restrictions allow us to safely do so.


Eaglets in action!

Our Aim:

It is our aim and determination to make Eastbourne Eagles Speedway a friendly and inclusive place to visit and that means on and off the Track for Home, Away and Visiting Supporters and also for the Community, whatever their Colour; Creed; background and that includes especially anyone or any Group with Special Needs or who will require the help of Carers.

If you require any help or further information, please e-mail us by clicking here:


Eagles Community Programme

Proudly Sponsored by HG Aerospace Ltd