Eastbourne Eagles Survey

25th May. The Survey has now closed. Huge thanks to everyone who took the time to complete it. We will provide feedback by the 30th of June. Our thanks again.

The Context

We are all aware of the global impact of Covid-19 on our lives and those of family and friends. 

We hope you are all staying safe and well and getting through these unprecedented times as well as possible.

In the context of what is happening generally, both Speedway Racing and Eastbourne Speedway in particular are of very minor importance. 

However, it is a bond that joins us and, at some point in the future – not too distant we hope – we are going to see the opportunity to resume many activities we had been used to as “the norm”.

It is, therefore, important for Eastbourne Speedway to both understand your views and ensure we take all views in to account, when the time comes to re-open stadia and to recommence the sport that we love, as we are all in this together.

The following Survey, is a starting point for us to collate and understand your current thoughts and perceptions

We liken the path to resumption of our Speedway Racing as being like a ladder.

Many steps need to be taken to get us back to “tapes up” – at national Government level, the ability of the NHS to cope, local authority approvals, Covid-19 related Health and Safety certification, Speedway regulatory body approval and compliance to any specific reqirements at stadium owner level, as it seems each venue may require a site visit and inspection. 

These are things that we have little or no control over.

It is important is for us to understand your issues and concerns about when you will feel safe and comfortable to venture out to watch Speedway once again. 

We need these insights so that we as a Club can plan and do what we can to make you feel safe watching Speedway.

There will also be some very Speedway specific areas that will impact on us, not the least the health and welfare of our riders, our stadium staff and volunteers and you, the supporters.

We are acutely aware too on the impact on our Sponsors and Advertisers and Season Ticket Holders and will be following up our initial update on those issues with a further one at the end of May now that we have formalised a refund proposition for all concerned.

The survey below, therefore, seeks to gain your views and thoughts in complete confidence to help us make what may be some key decisions. 

The responsibility of running any business is massive and we are acutely aware of our responsibilities and will confront them “head on”.

Once all of the other steps on the ladder, over which we have no control have been reached, the ultimate question will be: When does Eastbourne Speedway wish to recommence (on our terms)?

That will only be done when we feel the vast majority of our riders, management, staff, sponsors and advertisers, season ticket holders and supporters, whose views are equally important, feel able to return in sufficient numbers to make our business safe to attend first and foremost – and financially viable as a secondary consideration.

It is important I think to explain the financial context.

We would need a permitted Crowd Safety level to be at least 1000. Our break-even figure is around 750-800, we would require around 100 off any Government limit in terms of Riders / Mechanics / Staff / Medics and Officials etc, so on a Crowd Limit of 1000, we could realistically admit no more than 900 Supporters. If the limit is 500, allowing 400 paying Spectators (of which Season / 10 Match Ticket Holders would get preference, we would be losing between £5000 – £8000 per meeting. That is simply not sustainable. 

We cannot (like Poland) consider Racing behind Closed Doors, we have no TV deal. Some see “live streaming” as a solution. It may be in the future, but right now if we sold 300 Live Streams at £5 each, it would barely pay our Match Rental Fee (£1400) that we have to pay the Stadium for every Meeting. Set costs in addition to Rent would be a further £2000 each Meeting.

The survey seeks to gauge your thoughts regarding timing / cost and income considerations / your fears and concerns / probability of when you’ll feel able to come / things that we can do to boost your confidence to attend and your overall perception of what’s best.

YOUR input will help build own Eastbourne HG Aerospace Eagles’ road-map to return and to love and enjoy the Sport that bonds us, as we are all in this together.

The Survey

25th May. The Survey has now closed. Huge thanks to everyone who took the time to complete it. We will provide feedback by the 30th of June. Our thanks again.

Image Credit: Tiffani Graveling Photography